“One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?“
(Author: Gwen Bell) (Source: Reverb 10)
Earlier this month I came across the Reverb 10 project via Sheena Jibson’s blog, The Little Red House (a truly lovely little blog, chock-full of pictures and cooking and goodness).
This project began (in 2009) as a reflection of the past year, in preparation for the new one. Gwen Bell, the project’s creator, writes:
Last year, I decided to do something about the melancholy and isolation I felt at the end of the year. I wanted to celebrate, to reflect on the year while allowing space for any sadness that needed to arise.
Whatever’s arising is arising. So this year it’s about considering our reverberations.
Reverberations. That’s what this year has been for me – a study in, and consideration of, my reverberations in the world. Each word, each tweet. Each exchange given my fullest attention. Treating each moment as if it matters.
This year’s project, then, is called Reverb 10.
There is a new prompt (as shown above) every day of December. As it is already the last week of December, I’m a little behind the times (me, procrastinate? no way!…right). So instead of doing the whole project, I thought I’d pick a few of them, those that really grabbed my attention, and share them with you here in these final days of 2010. Ideally I’ll do one a day between now and then. More likely I’ll clock in every other day or so.
So, to begin!
“Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word.”
- …because I opened myself to the belief that I could succeed at what I had previously classified as unattainable.
- …because I put myself out there, into the world of the expansive internet, with this site, blog and through Twitter.
- …because I opened myself up to new people, allowed acquaintances to become close friends.
- …and because I gave my heart.
“Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?”
…because more than anything, I want to know that I was authentic and true t0 my goals, my friends, my loved ones, and to myself.
I’ll see you one year from today!
(I’m just kidding, I’ll be back long before then. Really, you’re likely to get sick of me.)