Would you change anything if you could go back in time?
If you could turn around and look your past self in the eyes, what would you tell that version of you?
Would you tell them to step lightly? Or plow ahead with abandon?
Would you correct the course of past mistakes and change the outcome, or let the event unfold exactly as it did before?
Do you have regrets?
Do you find yourself looking in the (metaphorical) rear view mirror, wondering what you missed?
I have always been someone who tries to not dwell in regret. Which isn’t to say I’ve lived a mistake-free existence.
I’ve messed up. I’ve hurt people. I’ve made the wrong choice.
But I don’t linger in those missteps.
You have to learn from them, fix the situation as best you can, and make amends with those affected. Tell them you’re sorry. Tell yourself you’re sorry. Then let it go. Don’t get forever mired in that mistake.
I fully believe that I’m at this place in my life not just because of what I’ve done right, but from where I’ve gone wrong too.
It all matters.
So, forgive yourself. Offer others who need it the same forgiveness.
Believe that tomorrow is a day both beautiful and free of mistakes. And embrace all that you were, are, and will be.
p.s. Then come visit me in Colorado because this is what today looked like. I did a little, I-love-vitamin-D dance to celebrate. (I may or may not be serious.)
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