Conversation in regards to a work event I’ve been organizing.
Her: “I’ll be attending (the event) and was told to call you.”
Me: “Great, what can I do for you?”
Her: “I don’t know. I’m not sure why I was told to contact you.”
Me: “….do you have any questions?”
Her: “No.”
Me: “Do you need tickets?”
Her: “No.”
Me: “Well, I’m afraid I don’t know why you were referred to me.”
Her: “I don’t know, I was hoping you did.”
This, my friends, has been the content of my 9-to-5 life the past few weeks.
I don’t often discuss my job here on the a.e.photog blog (outside of documenting all things green around the office). Mostly because my 9-to-5 life isn’t typically very relevant to my photography. It is the means to support my photography, until photography itself can do that, but beyond that connection…well, there is none.
However, now and then, ridiculous things happen. And they make me laugh. Or they make me stop and go, “Really?”
Or both.
Incredulity flows freely in the 9-to-5 life.
Especially when one is tasked with being the official liaison on the event organizational front. So, while it was quite the experiment in wrangling chaos, I’m happy to report the shindig ran smoothly last night.
And I even managed to convince someone I was running for mayor.
So, all-in-all, that’s a solid check mark on the success column.
(p.s. For the record, I eventually recanted and disavowed all political aspirations. Fret not, Denver.)