Now and then I’ll get an itchy feeling that I forgot something.
After checking my oven, my bills, and my planner for any rogue appointments, I turn to my photo archives.
Pixels get lost into the void of my computer like change gets shaken into couch cushions. And just like when we were kids who would scour the seams of the sofa after our loose-change carrying grandfather visited, whenever I get that itchy feeling I’ll go rooting around the photo files.
In this edition of archive redux, I bring you photos that aren’t (surprisingly) that old.
When we were in the east coast for our recent wedding shoot, we took some touristy time and visited Princeton and the Jersey Shore in the days following.
I didn’t take as many photos of these touristy outings as I intended. I found that after shooting for almost 14 hours straight at the wedding, I just felt more like internalizing our walkabouts, and not photographing it all. Of course now, with more distance, I’m wishing I had shot some more! Live and learn right?
Princeton Chapel, outside.
Princeton Chapel, inside
There really is ivy all over everything. Ivy Leagues is taken quite literally.
Jersey Shore.
No sandy beach pictures for you, but here’s the evidence.