It’s not that I mind snow.
I don’t, really, at all.
What I mind is the peace of mind that is lost when you can’t be sure your flight won’t be canceled. Or that you’ll be able to get your car out from beneath that rather large snow drift. Or that you won’t be totally stranded when trying to drive up the hill to your beloved family home through 12+ inches of unplowed snow two days before Christmas.
It’s not the snow, it’s what the snow represents: uncertainty.
But, as my work week winds down and I face the promise of three days with my family, Christmas celebrations, good food, good company, laughs, peace, relaxation, a bedecked Christmas tree, lights, glitter, love, I begin to remember that snow doesn’t just represent uncertainty, frustration, or impending travel turmoil. It also presents us with a setting. A beautiful, crisp, sparkling setting for this holiday.
It’s fresh. It changes the entire look of a place. It offers a blank, white canvas for the new year.
And so, instead of fretting over the things I cannot control, and getting worked into a tizzy over the burden snow can be on all of us, I’m going to do my darnedest to enjoy it. Appreciate it. And take it all in stride.
As long as that stride doesn’t result in me falling head first into a snow bank.
Because that narrowly happened to me this morning.