Christmas time was here.
And then it wasn’t…really quickly.
It’s like a drive-by holiday: arrives before you expect it, happens within a blink, and then has disappeared and two days more have past in a matter of seconds.
The Semenoff clan spent the holiday at home, mostly in our pajamas, watching really Christmasy movies like Sherlock Holmes and two installments of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
We ate much delicious food. Opened presents. Ate some leftovers. Napped. Ate a little more.
We are a family that is on the move for much of the year, each reaching for our goals and striving to accomplish so much in the time we have. As such, I absolutely love that when a holiday like Christmas comes along, we can all put down our other things – our “to do” lists and schedules and goals – and just be still, relaxed and happily together.
Here are a few photos of our weekend, starting with Christmas Eve dinner and self-hypnosis.
Yeah, it’s a thing.
I hope you all had an equally wonderful holiday weekend!
(All photos taken on the fancy phone with the Hipstamatic app.)