A silly, inventive moment. This little scooter mastered the art of baton juggling (batons? glorified juggling sticks?) before my very eyes. Thus proving his hand-eye-coordination far surpasses my own.
If I had a nickel for every time I was shown up by a six-year-old…well, then, I’d have a lot of nickels. Don’t judge.
The siblings and I embarked off to the Colorado Renaissance Festival this past weekend. We saw jugglers and elephants and vendors and “jousting” (it was more play-acting than actual physical exertion in a sporting manner) and ate giant turkey legs (mutant turkeys more like; I’m pretty sure turkeys aren’t supposed to get that big) and Emily got a stick for walking. And for fending off the mutant turkeys.
Just in case.
We don’t often get to have sibling date days like this in the crush of schedules and obligations, but when we do it’s always a delight. I’m pretty fond of my sibling folk and plan on keeping them around for a while longer.
Just in case.