If you’ve been a reader of the [anya elise blog] for some time now (Hi, Mom!), then you will likely remember my first adventure in plant rearing.
You’ll also remember it didn’t go well.
So, what do you suppose persuaded me it was wise to give it another go?
(1) The odds are (likely) in my favor that at least one of these fellas will survive. Right?
(2) There are four of them! (As if that wasn’t clear.) How could I pass up the opportunity to get four-plants-in-one? That’s a deal, and my mother instructed me to always be on the lookout for deals.
(3) The Four Fellas look rather dashing atop a shelf, beside Steinbeck, overlooking the street below, don’t you agree?
(4) I can’t have pets at my studio. The lease dictates as much and, truth be told, there just isn’t enough space in the ol’ studio to effectively introduce a pet into it. So I have to outfit the area with other living things. Horticultural things. Quadruplet horticultural things.
(5) I needed a new subject to photograph against the backdrop of my wood floors. I just love these wood floors. They have character and good coloring. And look good with cowboys. Really, what else can you ask for in a floor?
And those are the reasons. You can’t really top cowboys, so we’ll finish off strong and call it a week.
Weekend away, my dear friends. And enjoy it!