It’s the final countdown, my friends. (No, not that one.)
After today, I will be vacating my post as an editorial assistant here and transitioning to the YourHub section of the Denver Post as a staff photographer. [Insert a potentially embarrassing and black-mail worthy excited dance here.]
The photo above, that’s been my view for almost three and half years now. Well, not this specific view for the whole time. In that tenure I have had three desks, a number of different responsibilities, and a few different positions in the hierarchy of time served.
I haven’t spoken too much of my 9-to-5 life here on this blog, opting instead to focus on my photography outside the daily gig because that was the direction I ultimately wanted to head. However, now that the 9-to-5 life is transitioning into something that will be in itself focused on photography, I expect you’ll be hearing more about it.
Changes, changes, changes. I would be lying if I didn’t admit I’m a bit overwhelmed right now. A new job to train for and get acclimated to, an old job to hand off to a colleague with all its little necessities, a desk to clean out, a flu-ish illness to kick to the curb once and for all, and of course, let’s not forget to plan the wedding!
But, the stresses aside, all of these changes are things that I am thrilled to welcome in and take on. Career-wise, I’m moving in a direction that will challenge me, help me grow as a photographer and push me to unforeseen places. Relationship-wise, I couldn’t be more ready to become not just a girlfriend and business partner, but a wife and partner-in-all-things with Dan.
2013, what a year so far. Only one month in. A whole unknowable expanse ahead. It’s going to be a ride and then some. It’s going to be awesome. It’s going to be _________.
I’m ready. Let’s get to it.
To everyone who has wished me congrats and love and advice and compassion in the face of all these changes: THANK YOU. Truly and sincerely. Here’s to all of you.