Sometimes you have to reduce life to little black boxes. Contain all the madness into an itty-bitty square. Especially when that madness comes in the form of your loved ones. Sorry loved ones. Don’t take it personally.
(I think I might be in trouble for something. That looks like a serious face.)
(For a while, the backlighting function of her fancy phone ceased working. Meaning she had to get creative to read the screen in the dark. Including, but not limited to, using a candle to illuminate the device. Everyone thought this was funny. Except for her.)
(Hi. This is me. As photographed by my father’s fancy phone. With the help of my father. The fancy phone, while very good at a lot of things, isn’t yet a sentient device capable of taking photos of its own volition. Yet. What a frightening notion. I digress.)
Happy Monday to you!