It’s time for another installment of 10 on 10. I hope you have your game faces on. If not, I’ll wait.
[waiting. waiting.]
OK, good. Welcome to the August edition of 10 on 10. If you’re visiting today from one of the other collaborators’ blogs, thank you for stopping by!
I made sure to save this particular batch of adventurous photoing (which occurred several weeks ago) specifically for this project. Because when you say you’re setting out on a safari to feed giraffes, you don’t usually imagine the foothills of Colorado as being a venue for such endeavors. (How many people find themselves making such a statement on a regular basis is another matter entirely.) But, we here in Colorado are innovative, outside-box thinkers. And as a Colorado native, it is my self-assigned mission to bring the glory that is this fair state to the world.
(As with last month, don’t forget to check out the other stellar photogs joining in on this collaborative project. We have a few additions, so check ’em out below.)
Which of these things are not like the other. If you guessed elephants and bears, congratulations! You would be correct.
There are in fact other animals at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. (Including naked mole rats. Which frankly are not very handsome members of the animal kingdom. Google if you dare.) But let’s face it, when you have the opportunity to get up close and personal with a giraffe, you may have a little photo bias situation play out.
My safari compatriots, the intrepid Semenoff sibling clan. Some might say they are the best safari compatriots you could ask for. That someone might be me. And I daresay I’d be right. If I may be so bold.
And speaking of compatriots….check out these other fabulous 10-on-10 endeavors.
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