It’s a little known fact of the universe that in order to catch a baseball thrown at such an angle that you have to reach three feet out of your immediate personal sphere to successfully catch it, you have to stick your opposing leg all the way out in the other direction to achieve the perfect counterbalance. Fact. Scientific fact. And yet, even with providing all this fabulous evidence, my family insisted I was being ridiculous and lacked any true athletic bone in my body. Moreover, I looked ridiculous while doing it. Bunch of naysayers is what I say.
Despite all these contrarian attitudes, we had a most wonderful weekend. We spent the last part of it gallivanting in the park, celebrating father’s day with picnics and baseballs and frisbees and footballs. Here’s another fact for you, when someone says “channel Peyton Manning” in an attempt to get me to put my whole body into throwing a football, that really does nothing but confuse matters more. It mostly just leads to me hopping three times forward in a sort of striding motion before releasing the football in a whirligig-type tumble through the air. Which is neither pretty nor effective.
But even despite that, I still consider the weekend a success.
While brunching at our most favorite tavern in Denver, despite the presence of really marvelous mimosas right at hand, we only had eyes for our coffees. You and me coffee, we’re going steady. My brother and I have our priorities straight.
Since moving into the cottage house this has become the de facto flower corner. Flowers may move a few times around the living room, but this is their ultimate destination. And as for the lamp, that lamp we intended to replace with something less college-dormy when we first moved in. And yet, it still lingers in the flower corner, all “nothing to see here.” This will likely turn out to be the one piece of household decor that will stick with me until I’m 83. Just you watch.
Baseball and root beer. Need I say more? I don’t have a picture of my counterbalancing technique at hand, but if there are any baseball scouts reading this, we can arrange a proper demonstration. We’ll change the game, my friends.
Over and out…rock this week.