Every now and then you gaze fondly upon a favorite, well-loved space, and think, “It’s time to give that sucker a facelift.”
And if you’re truly lucky, you won’t have me on your list of handy helpers, because I may or may not take instructions a little too literally.
My mother said, and I quote, “Don’t get any paint on the new floor (pieces).” Somehow she didn’t appreciate my mad painting skills.
But that’s not really what this tale is about. Today, I’m excited and happy to announce the unveiling of the new and improved anyaelisephotography.com website and blogging experience! (Please hold your applause until the end of the presentation.)
For some time I’ve wanted to give A/E a pretty generous overhaul. The previous iteration had been dragging along on its last leg for a while, and I had neither the time nor the understanding of WordPress theme innards to really dig into the specifics of what I wished to accomplish. Then it came time to switch my blog from one hosting account to another, Dan also dove into revamping his personal website, and it became clear that if I wanted to make a change, now was the time. So he graciously helped me locate, load and activate a new theme. Then I spent many, many hours thinking through and frustratedly tinkering with all the little elements. I even googled around for how to code certain things. It wasn’t always pretty but I am now pretty satisfied with what I’ve concocted. So for all you dear blog readers — hey there! you guys are awesome — I wanted to give a quick little tour of what’s changed and what you can expect moving forward.
But before we begin, legal has asked that I remind you to keep your hands and legs inside the cart all times. (Not responsible for loss of limbs or broken windshields.) (And seriously, how is simply pasting a sign that states “Not Responsible” on the back of your giant rock-hauling truck sufficient to take you off the hook for broken windshields? Having recently been on the receiving end of just such a cracked shield, I have to say I think the system is rigged.) (I digress.)
First, take a look at the PORTFOLIO tab. When you click there you’ll find three galleries. The second two, “lifestyle” and “editorial” are pretty self-explanatory and have been elements of my site for some time now (updated with new photographs over the years of course, but still present). The first one, titled “recent work,” will be a fluid and oft-changing gallery that will feature everything from that which I shoot on my day job at the Denver Post, to rad weddings, to personal work highlighting my always job, that of being a wife and sister and adventuring gal. Check back often, folks, because I intend on changing out the images there frequently. Once a week, every other week? Time will tell! I will still be giving you guys updates and more in-depth, behind-the-scenes looks at work and life via my trusty A/E blog. But if you’re ever hankering for a quick take at what’s going on around here, give that gallery a look.
Now, if you turn your attention to the right-hand side of the tour vehicle, you’ll find the ABOUT page.
Scroll on down to the bottom of that page. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
I now offer to you a handy contact form, ready for the using! Just type in the pertinent information, hit “submit” and your message will be zipped, as if by magic, over to my email account. It couldn’t be simpler. (And of course, you are always welcome to email me directly if that’s more your style. Just shoot a message to hello@anyaelisephotography.com)
I’m happy to chat any time about a whole range of subjects. Have a question about a potential photo shoot? Great! Can’t wait to hear about it. Are you in the process of inventing an intravenous coffee intake device and are searching out willing test subjects? Sign me up.
Don’t be shy now.
The main BLOG page looks pretty similar. There are still posts there on the left and greetings/subscription info/archives there in the sidebar on the right. But! If you click on a specific blog post, such as the recent 10-on-10 post, you will see…
…a wider, cleaner look. The sidebar is gone on individual posts giving the photos more space to breathe. Bigger, breezier, easier to take in the details. I hope you love it as much as I do.
Under the main BLOG tab you will henceforth see posts appearing in shortened form with a “Continue reading” link prompting you to journey on to each post in all their wordy glory.
Last but not least, the social media. On the very top of the site you’ll see three links that will take you to my three most-used and preferred social media sites: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. So pick your favorite, or pick them all, or swear each and every social media platform off like the plague. (Trust me, I have my moments, too.)
And finally. Finally!
Scroll on down to any given post and you’ll see these little fellas. Click on them and a handy box will pop up to aid you in sharing said post on your chosen platform. All neat and tidy like. So if you’re feeling it, please feel free to share. If you’re like, “But really, what the heck is wrong with this lady?” and want to poll your friends, please feel free to do that too. And then let me know what you all decide because home girl needs answers.
So that’s it!
I love you all for making it this far. Assuming anyone out there is still reading. For those of you that are, let’s get together soon for coffee, cocktails, ice cream, you can pick. I’m buying! Just shoot me an email (again, that’s hello@anyaelisephotography.com) or use the handy new contact form and include the code word “coffee IV” somewhere in your message and we’ll make plans.
Peace out, you lovelies.