There has been probably one time in my life when I have scheduled vacation time to go to a beach with a book and sunscreen and no time keeping device of any kind with the intention of simply laying on a large striped towel collecting sun and little else. That is your classic beach vacation. I’m sure you’ve seen photos.
About a week before this personally historic beach vacation, Mother Earth got some other thoughts. We were fortunate her mind didn’t turn fully to hurricanes and instead simply lingered on rainstorms and thunder by the time the storm hit Florida. However, no tried and true quality time with the beach and the sun for me.
But before we get further into the story, let me introduce you to our distinguished guests. The 10-on-10 posse, as it were. The crew. The peeps. The…well you get it.
Lelia Marie Photography
Lisa Hibbert
Pogo Photo
Shaw Photography
Twinty Photography
And here we go!
We arrived on a Sunday afternoon. I packed a bathing suit, just in case. I’m a glass-half-full kind of gal. But, there’s was simply no hope. The rain and wind wished to be present and so we went with it. The impetus for the trip was a journalism training course for Dan, so while he was off getting schooled in the ways of media, I made plans to visit the Dali Museum (more on that in a few days), and explore the city, and try to get to know this slice of the nation I had never before visited.
But first, a very important aside…
Why oh why do coffee makers not come standard issue with all bathroom sinks? I need one for the Cottage House. It would streamline the entire prep process every morning.
And he shall win the award for best dressed. Somebody put a lot of thought into this.
The few places I’ve visited in Florida all seem to incorporate this same palette of colors. (Perhaps minus the ominous clouds. Assuming you don’t attract severe weather like I seem to do.) It’s kitschy and fun and I think I love it.
One of the rare moments when the sun burst forth and bathed the lands in its radiant splendor…
…and then the clouds came back. I was determined to get to a beach. Even if I didn’t intend to stay longer than a few moments. Even if it just wasn’t in the cards for me to sit down and absorb the view over the course of many hours. I needed to feel some sand between my toes and salty wind in my hair. I came across the country for a beach, and a beach I would find!
It took me two tries and a couple of u-turns, but I prevailed. The landscape, the water, the few birds who hunkered down to wait out the maelstrom were all intense and furious and focused. It felt electric and mildly threatening. (Which it probably was on both counts. Those coastal storms don’t mess around.) Yet, it was still quite beautiful, and somehow gave you a sense of quiet certainty.
A quality you can almost never find when it comes to this ‘do. Glamor shot! Let the record show that I am not a fashion blogger. In fact, pretty sure I’m being outshined by the coffee to-go cup up there.
Over and out!
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