I’m not entirely sure I put much stock in the notion of always having a Plan B. A backup plan. Because if you have a backup plan, doesn’t that indicate you don’t entirely believe in Plan A?
I’m not speaking in total black and white terms. For instance, if we are talking about the Zombie Apocalypse Town Evacuation Plan, you should probably be ready to innovate a Plan B (for brains) through Plan Z (for zombie, naturally), just in case. Don’t get so caught up in Plan A that you are literally caught by a zombie and become brain food.
I’m just saying.
However, for those of you who are still reading this (bless you, by the way), my point is this: If you have a dream, your ideal Plan A, shouldn’t you be fighting for that instead of concocting backup, just in case, Plan Bs? Sure, you have to be flexible and willing to work on a whim when inevitably something goes off script. But I advocate for owning the core of your ideal and not letting that go for anything. Not even a safe, comfortable Plan B. If you know what you want, go for it. No matter what. Adapt when necessary, but hold tight and make it happen.
And if all the forces of the universe conspire against you along the lines of a Greek drama, then become a hand model. At least that’s my plan after editing through the photos Dan took for my mother’s wedding and coming across this frame. Well, maybe just a right hand model. The left looks a little crab like.
So…this post is a special kind of something. I’m not really sure where I went wrong. Probably around the time the zombie apocalypse made a cameo appearance.
I’m going to go.
Thanks for sticking it out, all two of you that did.
I owe you a cocktail.
Or several.
OK…. bye.