Will anyone out there take pity on the pieless?
I have been put in charge of the dessert portion of tomorrow’s Thanksgiving feast, and in true form, have procrastinated to get the task done. So tonight, after work, I will do the following:
- Find recipes
- Go to the grocery store and get appropriate ingredients
- Get home and begin organizing myself to get to baking
- Become overwhelmed by the recipe and curse my procrastinating ways
- Return to the grocery store and purchase two frozen pies to bake tomorrow
- Go back home
- Calculate the chances that my family will actually believe I cooked said pre-made pies
- Remember that my family reads this blog and realize my attempts at deception are utterly futile
- Bake the two pre-made pies and eat them for a midnight snack
- Feel incredibly thirsty from consuming two pies and return to store for a third time to get milk (which I failed to factor in to my original ingredient shopping list)
- Get home, again
- Lament the situation
- Finally get to baking the homemade pies
- Shower and head to my mom’s house, because by the time all of this is over it’ll be morning
Happy Thanksgiving Eve everyone! I’ll be documenting the whole event tomorrow so expect an update soon.