We are six months into this year, and nary a vacation has been seen in these here parts. (Is that the proper use of the word “nary“? It feels false.) So to remedy the nary vacation situation (that was definitely incorrect…maybe…I’m lacking linguistic certainty), last weekend we finished up work Friday evening, drove to the airport, and hopped onto a plane to Southern California. Our first stop was Disneyland. Disneyland! [insert triumphant trumpet sounds here] Our second stop was San Clemente. Our third stop was back home to Denver [insert sad trombone sound here] (nothing but love for you Denver), as we are working folk and could only swing a weekend vacation. For now. [insert ominous, and yet hopeful, operatic overture here] (I need to get me a professional sound effects human to follow me and my blog writing ways around at all times. Any sound technicians in the house?)
This is all a long — and grammatically confusing — way of saying, welcome to the June edition of 10-on-10, our monthly venture into a recent, personal photographic endeavor. We’ll talk more about our day in Disneyland (brought to you by sunscreen) soon. For now, we’re jumping to stop number two and taking a walk along the southern California coast.
Guys, there is a train that runs along the coast. Making stops right there on the beach to pick up surfers, adventurers, and I can only assume Jack Kerouac types. I must get on this train immediately.
And then here is me. Looking west toward the ocean, basking in my exceptional paleness.
So it’s settled, our next vacation must incorporate coastal trains and more beach time.
Stay tuned for next time when we recap the “It’s a Small World” Disneyland ride in great detail so you too can share in our continued pain.
Until then…check out these fellow 10-on-10ers to see what they have been up to this past month. While visiting, sing them your favorite verse from the “It’s a Small World” theme song.