It’s a good thing to tour a new city. It’s a better thing to tour a new city with a good friend who knows where all the cool kids hang out.
Last weekend we spent a couple of days getting to know Minneapolis, Minnesota. The land of 10,000 lakes, if the state license plate is to be believed. Both of us have actually been to Minneapolis before, Dan for business and me on a family road trip many moons ago (I just crunched the numbers and “many moons” in this instance equals approximately 240 moons; now that’s a wowza for you). So for this trip we built in a few days to explore the metropolis and see what’s what in the fair city.
Our tour guide and fabulous hostess for the weekend was good friend Kristen. We used to work together in Denver and then a little while back she moved to Minnesota and has built a really lovely life for herself there.
A life which now includes this rad little lady.
Puppy! Puppy!
But this is not a puppy story. Though, maybe it should be because look how adorable.
(If I’m not making a scrunchy weird face in photos I don’t know how to do life.)
Show of hands, who here has walked around downtown MPLS before? So you know about the skyway, yeah? I have to say I am a little bit obsessed. Because the winter gets rather chilly in the northern regions of the country the city has built a network of walkways that connects blocks and blocks worth of buildings. Within the network is everything from lunch spots to dry cleaners to nail salons and even a Target store. You can do all of your dining/shopping/errands without ever having to don your parka.
During the course of our first day there I for some reason couldn’t get the walkway name straight. I called it the sky-walk, the sky-way, and even the sky-mall. Which was most certainly not right.
The week before our trip to Minnesota and the week after our trip to Minnesota we are told were weeks of 60- to 70-degree weather. The weekend we were there however was in the 30s, sometimes snowy, and wintery windy cold. Patios previously thawed had refrozen.
This is Daniel telepathically telling me, “My face is frozen in this position, take the picture already.”
But the great Mississippi still flowed, the sun came back out, I myself finally thawed back out yesterday, and we had a splendid time. I filmed a little video to document more of our trip, so look for that to land here on the ol’ blog tomorrow along with a few more thoughts about Minneapolis.
Until then, my lovelies…
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