So yes, the first week of January is behind us. As such, I think there’s some sort of law in the blogging world that says I’m no longer supposed to do 2010-in-review posts.
But I’m a rebel. I’ve gone rogue. All I need is a snappy slogan.
I was backing up all my photos from 2010 and though I didn’t travel as much as I would have liked, I did travel.
I have photos! There’s proof!
So, before more of January slips by and I wake up one day wondering how it became March already, I thought I’d pull a few of them and throw them up here.
The travel year started off with a bit of trouble when I flew out to New York in January. The trouble was, my luggage didn’t make the same journey with me. Though we were eventually reunited – 48.hours.later. yeah, I know – I now have separation anxiety every time I bid farewell to my baggage at the checked baggage conveyor belt.
I also feel the United airline folk are either much too self-assured or have a mildly cruel sense of humor.
Washington, D.C.: Frank, our beloved rental car.
The Newseum in D.C.
The view of the Bay Bridge from my grandparents’ house in San Francisco.
Half Moon Bay, Calif.
And back to New York.
I also went to West Virginia, and New York. (Again. Do you see a trend here?) But, as you quite recently saw photos from that bit of my 2010 travelogue, I’ll spare you.
But just this once.
Here’s to more such travel adventure in 2011! Happy Sunday!
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