Author Archive
December 16, 2013 by Anya Elise
the hills of assisi || our grand adventure
After nearly a week in Rome, with all its ups, downs and sideways moves of disarray and gaiety, we decided to spend our last full day in Italy by fleeing to the countryside. In the months leading up to our grand adventure, whenever we spoke to someone about where we were going and what we […]
December 10, 2013 by Anya Elise
10 on 10 || December
Every year we search out the perfect addition to our December household. Tall, green, spiky, as dense as can be, it’s the annual search for a Christmas tree. Yes, I rhyme now. Barring a few years when time or weather kept us from doing so, every year my family goes into the depths of the […]
December 9, 2013 by Anya Elise
artistry and architecture || our grand adventure
We all want to leave a mark on this world. Some through writings and photos and blogs. Others through artwork and architecture. Still others will happily etch their names and the dates of their visits into bricks and concrete and tree trunks. In Rome, we saw the many examples of notes left behind by former […]
December 2, 2013 by Anya Elise
Pope Francis || our grand adventure
I’ve got another installment of tales to tell from our grand European adventure following our wedding. This particular story I originally typed out while we still sojourned abroad. Rather than trying to rewrite and recapture the moment, I’ve copied and pasted it below (with a few minor adjustments to reflect proper tense/clarity.) It’s a little […]
November 24, 2013 by Anya Elise