Author Archive
July 26, 2011 by Anya Elise
the business of life–and photography || an update
Hello? Remember me? The shamefaced girl who hasn’t posted anything on here in almost a week? I’m sorry for my absence. This business of life has proven rather needy and attention hungry as of late. That in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing. What is unfortunate is that it’s the kind of busyness that is […]
July 20, 2011 by Anya Elise
in motion || yellowstone vacation video
in motion || yellowstone vacation video from anya semenoff on Vimeo. A video! (How’s that for short and to the point?) Song: Apple Scruffs, by George Harrison
July 19, 2011 by Anya Elise
“whoa partner!” || Jackson, Wyo. vacation
Jackson, Wyo. – For one day of our long weekend in the north western part of Wyoming, we left Yellowstone National Park and descended into Jackson. Picture a ski resort. Throw in a very Old West vibe. Then top off with a liberal share of rampant tourism. Whisk together, pop into the oven, and in […]
July 18, 2011 by Anya Elise
a little closer || Yellowstone vacation details
Have you ever seen a stop light in the Middle of Nowhere, Wyo.? We hadn’t either. And that would become the theme of our Yellowstone vacation: inconvenient traffic stops. OK, not really (well sort of, but not really). Our Yellowstone vacation was much more about seeing things we hadn’t seen before. Now, I have been […]
July 14, 2011 by Anya Elise