Author Archive
June 30, 2011 by Anya Elise
the Civil Wars || Boulder concert photography
Not far into last night’s show, Joy Williams turned to the crowd and urged them to join in. “We always feel like we’re just playing in a living room, so sing as loud as you like.” That spirit of life-long camaraderie infused the entire show. I dusted off my “concert photographer” hat last night and […]
June 29, 2011 by Anya Elise
from red eye to princeton || East Coast roundup
Hello, friends. It’s been too long. How is everyone doing? I have returned from the east in one piece (that almost rhymes if you don’t pronounce t‘s which, from what I hear, Coloradans don’t), a little more tired, a little more experienced, and a lot more grateful for getting to dive further into the world […]
June 23, 2011 by Anya Elise
On jalapenos, and how I dislike them || Archive redux
I have been doing my best impression of a blur today as I rush around getting work things done, getting packing things done, and getting photography things done. That’s a lot of things for just one of me. (Does anyone have a cloning device they’d be willing to loan me? Anyone?) In an effort to […]
June 22, 2011 by Anya Elise
hot dog interlude || Colorado summer food
As you can imagine, I am knee-deep in editing and preparation for this weekend. But, one is never too busy to take a break for some grilled hot dogs. Which leads me to my main point: Summer is here! Celebrate! I love summer. Beach time. (Yes, Colorado is a landlocked state. What’s your point?) Grilled […]
June 20, 2011 by Anya Elise