Author Archive
July 10, 2015 by Anya Elise
10 on 10 || july
Are there any drummers in the house? Can you play me in with a good drum call please? THANKS. Hello and welcome to year three of the 10-on-10 collaborative project. [insert awesome drumming here] I can’t believe we have already completed two full years of this great project. If you aren’t familiar with the project, […]
July 8, 2015 by Anya Elise
amy beth and chris || engagement photos
Hello, my darlings. I have some beautiful people to share with you today. We are very much looking forward to photographing Amy Beth and Chris’ wedding this Saturday. They will be wed on the same patio on which they got engaged, at a friend’s house in the mountains. After the ceremony we will be jumping on […]
July 6, 2015 by Anya Elise
summer || colorado
The air starts to get warmer. You wake up at five in the morning and can already feel the promise of a hot day ahead. Just the barest tinge of the nighttime coolness filters through your open window and fluttering curtains. It is summer. Colorado is wonderful in the summer. It is hot, but not humid. […]
June 22, 2015 by Anya Elise
Southwest/USA || a road trip video
At the very beginning of May, Emily and I went on a road trip around the southwest states of the United States of America. It was grand. I have many more things to say on the subject, but all such things will be saved for the saying on another day. For now, a video! (After […]
June 15, 2015 by Anya Elise