Author Archive
June 11, 2015 by Anya Elise
A new coat of paint
Every now and then you gaze fondly upon a favorite, well-loved space, and think, “It’s time to give that sucker a facelift.” And if you’re truly lucky, you won’t have me on your list of handy helpers, because I may or may not take instructions a little too literally. My mother said, and I quote, “Don’t get any […]
June 10, 2015 by Anya Elise
10 on 10 || june
We are wrapping up the last 10 on 10 post of this second-year cycle, my fellows. Two years of the project, two years of being made to stay accountable to posting with some modicum of regularity on this little blog. I’ve really enjoyed every second of it. We’ll talk some more about what is on the […]
June 8, 2015 by Anya Elise
this is why we can’t have nice things
above/// That one time I locked my keys in the car at a gas station. They looked so lonely in there, alone and unattended. How long have all y’all known me? Long enough to know “y’all” does not sound at all natural coming from my lips. In the last few months, we’ve been experiencing let’s […]
May 10, 2015 by Anya Elise
10 on 10 || may
Hello there, team, we are on to May now. It has been raining almost nonstop this week, which means it has largely been overcast and dreary. As a Colorado girl very fond of her 300-plus days of sunshine, these gray skies are certainly not among my favorite things. However, I just finished exercising — endorphins! […]
April 10, 2015 by Anya Elise