This weekend roundup is coming to you a bit late this week, the first week of the year. Before you assume I’ve gotten off on the wrong foot with my New Year’s goals and resolutions, let me assure you that is not the case.
No, no. Quite the opposite actually. I got off on the athletic foot. The exercising foot. The I-can’t-feel-my-foot-or-legs-or-arms foot because I’ve been working out every single day this year (sounds impressive until you realize that’s only four days so far…) and have lost the ability to move anything from sheer soreness.
Muscles I didn’t even know I have are cramped up and feel unusable. When I stand up I hobble around like I recently had all my major joints replaced and am relearning how to walk.
Isn’t exercising fun? People always talk about endorphins and “don’t they just make you feel great?” but I’m not sure my body was equipped with these elusive brain chemicals.
Nonetheless, I’m nothing if not stubborn and I’ve heard it said that one must commit to something for a week before it becomes a habit, so I’m in for the long haul. Which in this case is seven days.
Although, now that I think about it, I don’t know who told me that week-long-habit myth. Probably the same people who laud endorphins. It’s a conspiracy I tell you!
Nonetheless, this leads me to the next installment of the Weekend Roundup. Be patient with me while I will my weary fingers across the keyboard.
For the last weekend of 2011, my siblings and I headed out to two Denver institutions: The Denver Zoo to see the annual Zoo Lights installation, and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.
We’ve been going to both of these places for years and years. While still beloved, they are familiar in such a way that your feet can walk the path out of sheer routine.
At the museum we see the dinosaurs and the beautiful view of Denver, the animal hall with the scary manatee (not pictured here…but it’s scary, no really), and caribou.
At the zoo we ooh and aah at the light displays, we wonder what the dark, hunched shapes of the few animals still in their pens could be (rhinos? cows?), and have our eardrums blown out from the tiny, kid-sized train’s full-sized whistle.
I really couldn’t have asked for better companions to cap off 2011. My siblings are my people, my favorites, and we always have a grand old time.
Except for when they’re making fun of me and my irrational manatee fear.
It’s a thing!
Happy 2012 everyone! How have your first few days been?