While editing through photos from the second poms dance shoot, I noticed a rogue character pop up.
And my mom says there are never any pictures of me.
Which is frankly one of the advantages of being the wielder of the camera.
(Wielder is a strange word. It sounds made up. Like the word “resay.” As in, “Resay it.” Not a made up word as it turns out. Just ask Elise. She’s going to be a doctor.)
(We’re minutes away from the start of my weekend, bear with me and the ensuing insanity.)
I’m nearly set to show you a more complete take from that second shoot. And then before long, this project will be wrapping up in hand with their season and school year.
Spring is springing and change is afoot.
(“In hand,” “afoot.” My language is very anatomically oriented tonight.)
(I apologize for the general weirdness of this post.)