So, the weekend happened.
(You come here for this kind of profundity, right?)
(Related: Do you think the word profundity has some sort of identity complex because people often question its validity as a real word?)
(See: previous comment about this blog’s profundity.)
I celebrated Easter with my family (a Happy Easter to you all!), and ate a lot of delicious foods. And lots of sugar.
In fact, I think it would be fair to say this particular post is brought to you by the jelly bean variety of sugar.
I’ll even one up you…self…I think it would be fair to say this entire weekend was brought to you by jelly beans.
The Starburst jelly beans. Because all jelly beans were not created equal.
In conclusion, it’s Monday. And I’m just going to go ahead and blame all of the above on that.
Garfield would.