The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
The rain in Colorado stays mainly flooding the streets all day long.
Unless it’s turning into snow. Or hail.
In May.
The Colorado weather has made today a rather dreary, blurry, drippy day.
It’s the kind of day you wish to spend curled within your bed in a warm house watching movies or reading literature.
Not trudging through the downpour with your Colorado Rockies umbrella, narrowly avoiding puddles only to reach your place of work to find one last, conniving puddle lying in wait for your laceless sneakers.
Laceless – canvas – sneakers which incidentally do not repel water.
At all.
It did however give me a prime opportunity to perfect my One-Legged, Sopping Left Foot dance.
It’s a dance craze that I expect will start sweeping the nation any day now.
So stay tuned.
(Curly hair due to humid outdoors.)