Rain has been the staple of Colorado this past week. That sentence is so rarely true in this desert of a state that I think I might be breaking a record just by typing it.
So, imagine my delight, my joy, my exaltation when I woke on Friday to find the above sunshine streaming through my terrarium windows.
I did a little jig in celebration, and welcomed the weekend.
It went a little something like this. (The weekend, not the celebratory jig. Please, I’m no dancer. Though I used to be. But that’s another story.)
We had an estate/garage sale to prepare my grandparents’ home for the market. Chris did most of the heavy lifting.
This is his registering-information-whilst-on-the-phone face.
Not to be confused with his audition-to-be-an-extra-for-a-Harry-Potter-movie face. Please don’t tell him they’re no longer filming those movies. He’s a natural and dreams big.
I believe this speaks for itself.
What it’s saying exactly I’m still not entirely sure.
If you have any insight, please share with the class.
In between rushes of garage saling crowds, there was much sitting about.
And that was my weekend.
Part two tomorrow.