And now, the exciting conclusion to our European Guest Post Fantastique, from the ever-fabulous, Emily. When we left off, she was detailing her 10 most favorite sights of London and Paris.
I’m sorry for the delay in getting this on here tonight. I meant to have this rolling first thing today, but I got caught up wrangling dogies (translation: I attended the National Western Stock Show today, more on that later).
So, without further ado, excuses, babbling or pause, heeeeeeere’s Emily!
(I clearly missed my calling being a nighttime talk show announcer).
6. Shakespeare and Co.
Being a book nerd, this place ranked high in the top things to see in Paris. This place has such character – very much a hole in the wall. You should see the reading room on the second level – a maze of old books and places to sit.
And it is literally right across the street from Notre Dame. An ideal situation? I think so.
7. French Statues
The Winged Victory of Samothrace
The Venus de Milo.
Athenas with attitude.
Last but not least, my favorite statue in all Paris. I call it “One of Those Days.”
8. The Streets of Paris
Paris is picturesque, to put it mildly. Everywhere you look, you find yourself thinking “that should be a postcard.”
“and that too.” The people really don’t help. There was this fellow, who was completely swarmed by birds. And behind Notre Dame, on one of the bridges, sat an accordion player. It was like being in a movie with your own, personal soundtrack.
9. The Food
They know how to do food right. I discovered the French Macaron. Oh my. And afternoon tea in London. The English are known for their tea for a reason.
10. Everything Else
The Louvre. The British Museum. The National Gallery. You could spend days looking at everything these places hold.
The Garnier Opera, which actually has a hive of bees on the roof.
Hatchard’s – the oldest bookstore in London.
Buckingham Palace with the changing of the guard.
All the history found throughout Paris and London. You really can’t pick the best parts because it was all best parts. So, if you’ve never been there, go the moment you get the chance. And if you have, go back.
Many thanks to Emily for putting these two posts together for us. I hope you all enjoyed this look into her adventure.
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