It is I, Anya. Have you forgotten me?
I’m sorry for being rather incommunicado around here lately. (Has it really been a week since last I wrote to you? Eesh.)
The Cold, the ever-dratted cold, knocked me back pretty thoroughly for the latter part of last week. My brain became very foggy and sillier than usual, and I’m fairly certain I was about two steps away from my 9-to-5 boss thinking I’d gone off the deep end completely and forever. Luckily she’s very understanding and the weekend arrived in all its unscheduled splendor just in time. And now here we are. Back to my (mostly) normal state.
This week has been one of those weeks that begins as any other, promises to continue as any other, and then changes in one of the most unexpected and thrilling ways.
More specific details of this news will have to wait until the event itself has taken place. But I promise the annoying, vague, non-telling of news dance that I’m pirouetting for you right now won’t go on for ever. Eventually I’ll get dizzy.
Stay tuned for that.
The detailed news. Not the dizziness.
Yeah…moving on!
I went to a re-imagined production of Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew” last night. While the text of the play remained just as Shakespeare wrote it, the set, costumes, and delivery of the performance were all placed in the 1950s.
A strange place to pluck and drop Shakespeare at first glance. But if you’re familiar with the play, it really does make sense.
I have been to a number of plays at the Denver Center for Performing Arts Stage Theatre and every production has been phenomenal. The cast is always talented and spot-on and this time around, I got to witness the talent and spot-on-ed-ness (yeah, that doesn’t work) from up close. So up close in fact, that there were a couple of times when I’m pretty sure I was in the actors’ personal bubbles.
By a stroke of luck, we were able to redeem the ticket vouchers we were gifted for this performance for front row seats. And I can now say with some assurance that seeing the pores of an actor really brings the performance to a whole new level of reality.
Remember how I told you I would have a Stock Show video for you? It’s going to happen! Really. Any day now. Like tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. I’m setting this deadline for myself right now and with any luck, it shall be so!