He has deep and profound thoughts about the world. And at only 10 weeks old.
Looking in his soulful eyes, you can just tell.
It’s either that, or a deep desire to find out where the Cookie Lady hid his treats.
My older sister, Emily (a.k.a. the Cookie Lady), welcomed a puppy into her life two weeks ago. Little Bailey, eight-weeks-old at the time of his adoption (also when these photos were taken), has taken over our family as the star performer, witness, cookie monster, fiend, resident philosopher, annoyance of our older dog Mokee, dog-in-training master.
He’s cute. He’s fluffy. He’s Bailey.
We wanted to bring them all home, but Mom said no. She never let me get a pony either. Fun killer.
(He looks like a rabbit in this photo. Just in time for Easter.)
Mokee was a bit less than thrilled that a whippersnapper was encroaching on her turf. We’ve got a West Side Story thing developing here.
Too cute for his own good.