I’ve been staring at this post for two days, trying to muster up the words to open this set of images. Writer’s block sometimes gets the best of you. They say the best way to overcome writer’s block is to simply write whatever comes to mind. However, for me, that usually results in a startling revelation of just how much silly nonsense enjoys spurting from my brain folds. That sentence seems an appropriate example.
The fact of the matter is, herein lies a small take of photos from a wedding I second shot for Gino Siller a few months back. You may recall I second shot another wedding with Gino at the beginning of the 2012 season. Both instances educational, both instances totally awesome. This particular bridal party was just itching to pop some bubbly and celebrate the love Jessica and Robert had for one another. They had a palpable vivacity among them.
That’s the long and the short of it. Sorry there isn’t more ping or pizzazz in my writing today. I believe that with enough coffee and Reese’s peanut butter cups, I can punch through this writer’s block. Tune in tomorrow to see the result of that experiment.
Check out Gino’s blog post from Jessica and Robert’s wedding.