Week three, done and done. (I’m actually a few days behind on posting these summaries. To really stay on top of the weekly schedule that is YourHub, I should be putting these up on Thursday or Friday of every week, not Monday of the following week. But, I’m a maverick who marches to the trajectory of her own parade. Or some phrase like that.)
There was a wine bar and experiments in electricity. (The teacher to is fourth graders in that latter scenario: “You cannot test water. I repeat, water is off limits.”) Guitars and teaching restaurants. Weight-lifting and playing in parks.
When I first got this gig, a former YourHubber told me I would come to know the suburbs of Denver (and my car), better than I ever thought possible. One month in, I can now confirm that he wasn’t joking. Maude, my trusty Google maps vocal companion, has taken to messing with me at the least convenient times by saying something such as, “In two miles…..” then just fading off. Nothing else. Leaving me to go, “And?! In two miles what?? What happens in two miles, Maude!” Or just instructing, “Turn right,” without even a hint of a warning. Leaving me in the left lane going 40 without a hope of turning right. Into a field, might I add, because there isn’t even a remotely safe option for turning right at that particular juncture. She’s a wily devil. However, I haven’t died. The car is still in one piece. And I haven’t been run out of town yet, so all in all, we’re on the right track.