Last Friday (I know, behind the times on these posts…), I embarked on a day-tripper expedition to northern Colorado. That is, Fort Collins.
The destination: Fort Collins.
The more-specific destination: the New Belgium factory. In Fort Collins.
To more precise: we were on a mission to embark on a brewery tour. At the New Belgium factory.
In Fort Collins.
Keys to a good brewery tour:
- Be 21 years of age. This way you qualify for all the yummy samples.
- Pick a truly awesome brewery. (The New Belgium brewery definitely falls in this category.)
- Make a day of it. For instance, we got their early (inadvertently, but still), and had time to go get some food beforehand and explore the main street of Fort Collins.
Things that made the New Belgium brewery so awesome:
- Their “mascot” (if you will) is a bike. A red bike. I rest my case.
Other reasons that the New Belgium brewery is so awesome:
- They treat their employees well.
- They have a rock climbing wall right next to some of the beer-housing barrels.
- They also have a twisty slide to get from one level to another.
- And ping-pong tables, for employee break time.
- After one year of working there, you get a custom-made bike to call your very own. It can be red.
- They give you six samples over the course of their tour.
- It’s a very laid-back atmosphere: cameras – allowed. Tour – free.
I rest my case. Again.
Seriously though, if you’re ever up in northern Colorado and enjoy a good tour and good beer, stop by this factory. Bring a friend. Bring a designated driver. (These people can be one and the same.)
Like I said, six samples.
I’m heading out on a much-needed vacation with my family early tomorrow morning. I won’t have my laptop with me, but I should have a computer at my disposal, so plan on updating, as well as the co-written, sister-run travel blog, Lost Lampshades. If necessary, said updates will come via my fancy little phone. And if all else fails, I’ll likely be spouting little quips via twitter throughout the weekend.
Such little tidbits as: “Anya Semenoff, you just toured the New Belgium Factory, what are you going to do next?” “I’m going to Disney World!”
But seriously folks, that’s where we’re going.
Stay tuned!