As you can imagine, I am knee-deep in editing and preparation for this weekend. But, one is never too busy to take a break for some grilled hot dogs.
Which leads me to my main point: Summer is here! Celebrate!
I love summer.
Beach time. (Yes, Colorado is a landlocked state. What’s your point?)
Grilled food. (Grilled corn specifically. Am I right?)
S’mores roasted over a fire pit. (Can I get an amen?)
Picnics at the park. (My new business partner claims he has never been on a picnic before. I may have to disown him.)
Longer days.
Freshly cut grass.
I wanted to include some summery type shots for this post, but got so caught up photographing my summery meal from last night that this has turned into something more of a “look what I ate for dinner last night” post.
(I may or may not have used too much Dijon on my hot dog. My face felt funny for hours.)
We fly out late, late, late tomorrow for the east coast and wedding numero dos. I should however be able to bid you bon voyage here on before then.
But in the meantime, tell me: What is your favorite part about summer?