There’s a quote affixed in the lobby of the office I work in.
“Tis a privilege to live in Colorado.”
As a native Coloradan (not Coloradoan – confusing, I know), I couldn’t agree more. Being here is a blessing.
Waking up to this splendor day-after-day; being a mere 30-minute drive from the cow town into the mountains; living a mile above sea level and having a superiority complex because of it; hating the fact that you live a mile high because baking renders you helpless (yeah, Anya, blame it on that); reveling in the 300+ days of sunshine; embracing the western lifestyle because Colorado is the west (if anyone tries to convince you it’s the midwest, just send ’em my way).
I love traveling and witnessing all the wide world has to offer, but I know in my heart that I want to ultimately end up back in Colorado. When I was in West Virginia a few weekends ago I was talking to an avid Colorado visitor and he said, “Colorado gets into your bones and keeps on calling you back.”
He was right.
Don’t believe me? Come visit. You’ll see.
Until then, a few more of my favorite, Colorado pictures.
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