Author Archive
September 10, 2014 by Anya Elise
10 on 10 || september
San Francisco wasn’t all seagull versus crab sashimi fests. The glorious sights there beg to be seen each time you visit. They practically demand it. And you can’t ignore the glorious sights. Not on my watch, pal! We spent our first full day in the city exploring the Golden Gate Bridge, and other waterfront walkways […]
September 4, 2014 by Anya Elise
the crab that was || san francisco
We returned, rested after a week spent in San Francisco under the ever-kind care of my grandparents. We erred on the side of relaxation, seeing several sights, but certainly not hitting the pavement at dawn and staying out until all hours to fill every last moment with activity. Over the weekend we took to the […]
August 20, 2014 by Anya Elise
wedding dresses and the county fair || yourhub photojournalism
Summer in Colorado takes us outside quite a bit. You can’t ignore 300(-plus!) days of sunshine and not fully embrace it in the super-sunny summer. Also, summer is the season for county fairs. And as YourHub is the community/county department at the Denver Post, we can’t very well not go visit with some county-fair-bound animals […]
August 13, 2014 by Anya Elise
Andrea & Dave || engagement photography
It is possible to tumble head over heels for a photo shoot. Let me tell you. We met up with Andrea and Dave last month for an engagement session in preparation for their November wedding. We hit up the theater district in Denver (yes, Denver is totally hip enough to have a theater district) and […]
August 10, 2014 by Anya Elise