10 on 10 || august
What you’ll notice first is that we are laughing a lot. In nearly any photo you find here that features two or more of us together, we have these goofy and ridiculous grins taking over our faces.
You could posit that since my brother moved away to pursue his animation dreams in Canada, our sadly infrequent visits have made this tendency toward the comical even more pronounced. Which would make sense, except for the historical evidence. For instance many moons ago, as we sat at a bar with a larger group of friends, my brother and I were speaking at this heightened pace, trading jokes like cards, feeding off each other and laughing maniacally. One of the fellows there turned to another and said, “I cannot understand them. One-on-one they are totally normal. Together, they go crazy.” (I’m paraphrasing, but that was the essence.)
So when Chris returned home from Canada last month for a much-needed visit, we knew we would have to take a day to set out just us four and take the town. Which made for a grand day and a great subject matter for August 10-on-10: Year Three! (And some extra exclamation points for effect — !!!!!)
But first, my fellow internet humans, here’s the list of my 10-on-10 comrades. Please give them a shout:
We had to start with breakfast. Donuts, naturally. Coffee, a given.
These were the donuts to end all other donuts. Hefty, robust. If you put one of these suckers up against a grocery-store donut, it would win every bragging right. And the shop had some sweet booths. Sitcom worthy booths.