Grace and Joey || Boulder engagement photography
I come from a family of four siblings: three girls, one boy. I’m stuck in the middle with the boy.
Not everyone takes a lot of stock in the notion that your placement in sibling hierarchy bears much influence on how you turn out. But I must protest.
Enter my dear friend, Grace. She too comes from a family of four siblings: three girls, one boy. And she too is stuck in the middle with the one boy.
And let me tell ya’ she and I just get each other. We do. We have an understanding of one another that can’t be learned, it’s just there. And I definitely believe that our shared standing in our respective sibling hierarchies plays some part of that understanding.
This is all just a round about way of saying, Grace is one of my dearest friends. We met during college and have stayed in pretty close contact with one another since then. A couple of months ago she and her boyfriend of several years got engaged. (And yes, I made a high-pitched squealy type noise when she told me…it wasn’t pretty.)
When we sat down over coffee a few days after her engagement she said, “I also wanted to talk to you about photographing our weddin–”
Thus proving I’m very difficult to persuade.
We went up to Boulder last weekend to photograph Grace and Joey in our old digs. Here are a few of my frames from our very lovely outing.
Check out more from this killer couple over at A&D Photography.