new specs || Warby Parker
(This photo reminds me of the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. I don’t know. Don’t ask me to explain the strange ruminations of my mind. However, if you would go ahead and read this post with the iconic Space Odyssey music playing in your head, I’d really appreciate. OK, back to your regularly scheduled programming.)
As illustrated here before, I have horrible eye sight. Horrible. Blind as a bat. A bat without the power of echolocation. Lost.
I’ve been wearing contacts since my junior year of high school. But, now and then, one cannot use one’s little plastic bubbles of vision. (For instance, when one has recently blinded oneself with jalapeno juices.) And in those moments, a blinded, batty girl has to instead use glasses. Spectacles. Or, I suppose a monocle would do also. (If you’re OK with favoring one eye over the other that is.)
For the past four years, I have relied on the same pair of glasses. They have worked with moderate success. As my eyes seem determined to worsen with age, their prescription has been null and void for some time. But, I procrastinated waited for the exact right pair to come along before buying new ones.
And at last, I have found them.
Warby Parker glasses.