Posts Tagged California
September 10, 2014 by Anya Elise
10 on 10 || september
San Francisco wasn’t all seagull versus crab sashimi fests. The glorious sights there beg to be seen each time you visit. They practically demand it. And you can’t ignore the glorious sights. Not on my watch, pal! We spent our first full day in the city exploring the Golden Gate Bridge, and other waterfront walkways […]Archives
September 4, 2014 by Anya Elise
the crab that was || san francisco
We returned, rested after a week spent in San Francisco under the ever-kind care of my grandparents. We erred on the side of relaxation, seeing several sights, but certainly not hitting the pavement at dawn and staying out until all hours to fill every last moment with activity. Over the weekend we took to the […]Archives
June 10, 2014 by Anya Elise
10 on 10 || June
We are six months into this year, and nary a vacation has been seen in these here parts. (Is that the proper use of the word “nary“? It feels false.) So to remedy the nary vacation situation (that was definitely incorrect…maybe…I’m lacking linguistic certainty), last weekend we finished up work Friday evening, drove to the […]Archives
September 25, 2012 by Anya Elise