Posts Tagged just talking to myself here
May 8, 2012 by Anya Elise
Sharpie rules || tiny Tuesday thoughts
The rules of this Sharpie are somewhat limiting. I wonder what sort of debate went into deciding what the Sharpie could and could not be used for: poster inscribing — yes letter writing — no Converse sneaker embellishing — sure, why not? temporary tattooing of your brother’s forehead — absolutely yes writing on clothes — […]Archives
January 25, 2012 by Anya Elise
candid camera shows || file under miscellany
(This photo really has nothing to do with the content of this post, but his expression somehow seemed appropriate.) Yesterday I was leaving the store loaded down with two arms full of things. A gentleman in front of me saw the precariousness of the situation and said, “Oh, let me get the door for you.” […]Archives
August 11, 2011 by Anya Elise
a fidgeter || Thursday thoughts
I’m a fidgeter. Natural born. Native to Colorado. Loves coffee. There was a time when I thought this fidgeting personality trait was a universal thing, but apparently it’s not. Some of us are just more fidgety than the rest. I’m not sure if this is solely because I have more pent up energy than others, […]Archives
May 25, 2011 by Anya Elise