Posts Tagged VSCO Cam iPhone app
July 17, 2012 by Anya Elise
jugglin’ || Weekend roundup
A silly, inventive moment. This little scooter mastered the art of baton juggling (batons? glorified juggling sticks?) before my very eyes. Thus proving his hand-eye-coordination far surpasses my own. If I had a nickel for every time I was shown up by a six-year-old…well, then, I’d have a lot of nickels. Don’t judge. The siblings […]Archives
July 11, 2012 by Anya Elise
summer in squares || VSCO cam photos
Hello, my lovelies. Summer has been sweltering here in Denver for the past several weeks. We have had plus-100 degree days. We have had a two-week run of plus-95 degree days. We have had fires. And finally, the blessed rain did come….and promptly flooded half of Denver. (OK, I’m exaggerating, but it felt that way.) […]Archives
July 4, 2012 by Anya Elise
the fourth || office party style
Happy Fourth of July! I am stuck in the office for most of today, but fear not! There is ice cream concocting away in the break room, patriotic fruit displays, and the memory of last night’s firework show above the City and County Building to keep me in a seventy-six trombones sort of mood. I […]Archives
June 22, 2012 by Anya Elise