This weekend I was spoiled by having three consecutive days off. This rarely (read: never) happens, and I returned to the life of a working stiff today feeling steady and content and ready for the week.
Here’s a quick roundup:
- I bussed up to Boulder, Colo., to visit my brother. It has been quite some time since I road the bus. I remembered how much I enjoy being transported about in such a way that I can (safely) daydream, read, write, and view the scenes as they pass by, framed perfectly by the bus window.
- I found that I have an affinity to take photos facing the sun (as seen above…and below). It creates quite a flare. It also makes me happy.
- We had a tea party with some dear family friends. They come into town every few years for Thanksgiving, and this year we all managed to gather in the same place for some delicious food (thank you, Mom, for pulling it together!), and wonderful conversation. Not least of all in our array of topics was the suggestion that my brother Chris major in an up-and-coming field: zombiology. The study of zombies and the culture that surrounds the societal fascination with all things zombie-related. (Oddly my mother was less than thrilled by this plan…) Our families have been friends since before my birth and we always enjoy spending some time together. David (and family!), if you’re reading this, thanks again for stopping by! We had a lovely time.
- My sister, Emily, had a birthday this weekend. We celebrated by eating delicious things (it was a theme these past few days; we’re in training for the big day on Thursday) and watching the newest Harry Potter flick. She’s been my best friend…always, and I wouldn’t be who I am without her. Sister-friend: happy birthday once more. You’re awesome and spunky and have a flair for the fantastic. Keep on doing your thing. You’re pretty good at it.
What did you do this weekend? Anything fun? Anything inspiring? Anything so off the cuff you surprised yourself?
I plan on going easy on the food Wednesday to make plenty of room for Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday and I can’t wait to get to that table and feast. Beforehand, however, I must imagine into the world some desserts. Could be difficult considering I don’t have a working sink in my little studio kitchen, no baking supplies and, frankly, no real talent for cooking. Minor details, right? All I can think to say is: Challenge accepted.
Wish me luck!
A quick note regarding the photos: The first two I took with my little 2 megapixel phone camera. That little sucker always surprises me. The last one you’ve seen before, but it’s one of my favorite photos of Emily, especially when you know the back story which can be found here.