This post is to announce my intention to run for political office.
Do you believe me?
Do you believe anything I say on here?
You guys are too smart for me.
So no, this post is not to alert you to any political aspirations I might have. (Because I have none.) It is however to ask you to join me on a new project. A campaign in-and-of itself.
the inspiration
Yesterday, I asked you on Facebook and Twitter what you think of Denver and Colorado. What words spring to mind when you consider this state? Impressions? Descriptions?
You answered:
- home
- cowtown
- energetic
- exciting
- outdoorsy
- spacious
- brick town (A new one for me, but the fellow had a point – every single house in Denver is made out of bricks. Seriously. I checked.)
Have you ever been here? Because if not, that perfectly describes the psychotic climate in these parts.
The point to this exercise wasn’t just to entertain myself, though it was entertaining. I wanted to start collecting such impressions as inspiration for a project.
the project: the Colorado Campaign
Something that has always fascinated me is how differently we and our companions will see the same place. A group of photographers shooting the exact same scene at the same time will all come away with a radically different photo. Our unique perspectives color everything about how we perceive a place. A moment. A time.
Colorado is all of those things up there and more to me. I love this state. I love my city. It’s the most wonderful hometown a girl could ask for.
So I want to start a campaign to document all of our individual impressions of Colorado. I want to understand how you perceive this rectangular parcel of land. Whether you’ve been in this state your entire life, or you’ve lived here for just a few months, or you’ve only ever had a layover in the airport, I want to hear from you.
Love it? Hate it? Confused by it? (Boulder, I’m looking at you. Just kidding. Mostly. Hey I lived there for four years, I did my time.) Tell me.
Once a week, I’ll post an installment of this project on here. I have the first few planned out, but I want your help.
You don’t have to be an established writer, photographer or blogger to join in (though if you are those things, good on ya’! I’ll make sure to link back to your site on your guest post). All you need is a little curiosity, an idea, or some inspiration to share with the rest of us.
It doesn’t have to be an entire photo essay or lengthy volume of text (though again, if it is that – good on ya’! I love it!).
Just have a single photo, but no words to accompany it?
Send it along!
Have a few words – a poem, a short story, two paragraphs?
Send ’em!
Did you snap some photos of your friends on a camping trip with just your cell phone camera?
Send those too!
Anything goes, is what I’m saying. All that’s necessary is that your submitted work has something to do with Colorado and how you see this state.
I love creating and developing this blog. It provides me with such an amazing, creative outlet and I couldn’t be more thankful for all of you that come back here day-after-day and share in the journey.
In the most sincere way: thank you.
But, I very much want this place to not just be my own personal platform. I want it to be a wider, open community. I want to share this space with all of you lovely, amazing people.
Don’t be shy. I know it can be intimidating to put your work out into the world. I get butterflies every time I’m about to hit the publish button on this blog. But trust me, the relationships you build when you’re willing to share your talents are beautiful and uplifting.
You are all talented people. I know it.
So what do you say?
Will you join me?
If the answer is yes (and I so hope it is!), start pulling together whatever it is you’d like to submit and send it to:
There’s no deadline, so feel free to mull over some things and e-mail me later.
If you have any questions or ideas you want to chat about, shoot me an e-mail for that too. I’d love to collaborate on a few posts if you need some extra hands for your ideas.
Let’s work together to make a truly wonderful compilation of what Colorado is to us.
(OK, I’m going to post now…here come the butterflies….)
Oh, and p.s. I will still be posting my regular photography/life-related content as per usual – that will not be changing. The Colorado Campaign will simply supplement that original goal and mission.
OK, seriously, I’m posting this now. Here we go…
2 Responses to Denver City, the Rocky Mountain Empire || The Colorado Campaign