It’s frosty outside.
March is – on average – the snowiest month of the year in Colorado. In March 2003, a massive snowstorm hit that resulted in 4 to 7 feet of snow in the foothills.
To whom it may concern: please let’s not have a repeat performance.
Last week, I was called into the boss’ office.
The big boss. The head honcho.
By show of hands, how many of you just thought: “Anya, what did you do?”
It’s not my fault!
The copy machine looked like that when I arrived!
No really, I didn’t do anything. He is just the kind of boss who likes to check in with all his employees. Even the ones hanging onto the bottom rung of the ladder.
Our lovely conversation reminded me that taking time to connect with people, introduce yourself, say hello, be welcoming to all, and generally helpful and kind is so important, no matter what position you might hold in relation to your peers.
It makes a difference. Every time.
I know that sounds all After-School-Special-like, but it is true. So there’s that.
At least once a day I have an awkward elevator exchange.
There is nothing more awkward than elevator rides with near or complete strangers.
No one knows if you’re supposed to interact, gaze at your shoes, look straight ahead, or pretend to be typing something on your fancy phone.
So, for the roughly six-story elevator ride, we all just stand there doing some combination of the above and contemplating this societal question, until, finally, we spill out on our chosen floor with a sigh of relief.
I always wonder what it would be like if I and my elevator compatriots were stranded in this little box due to an electrical malfunction or some such mayhem.
What would we talk about? Would we become best friends? And how exactly does one go about popping out a ceiling panel to climb out of an elevator box Mission Impossible-style?
These are important questions. Please advise.
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