I intended to post a “Gone fishing,” we’ll-return-to-our-regularly-scheduled-programming-tomorrow notice earlier this afternoon.
Sadly…I didn’t.
Even more sadly, the reason for my temporary absence – attending a Rockies game with my sister – ended in a 6-3 loss to the Giants.
So, as you can see, a night of falling short on a few different fronts.
We all have our bad days, so let’s just settle this day right now and dive head first into tomorrow in the morning.
I’ll see ya all then.
(Though the boys lost, Emily and I had a terrific – albeit chilly – time. We got $1 hot dogs. Gulped down hot chocolate. And wrapped ourselves in hot fleece. OK, the fleece wasn’t pre-warmed, but it should have been! Not only did we take away a fun night out, we left with this song eternally etched into our brains: “Hey, hey baby! Ooh. Aah. I wanna know-oh-oh, if you’ll be my girl.” Thanks for that Coors Field people. Truly.)
(I apparently missed the part of this exercise where you actually look at the camera. Though if anyone ever needs to cast Distracted Extra #2, I’m your girl!)