rise up || San Francisco vacation video from anya semenoff on Vimeo.
She doesn’t like when I do it. Take videos of her. She doesn’t like being my “human interest” piece in these travel videos.
But, I have to say, I love when my sister, Emily, is in these videos.
She’s so lovely. Gorgeous really, and she gives the camera this smile when I point it at her that is equal parts incredulity, humor, resolve, and grace.
So, Emily, though you hate it, here is one more video in which you make a number of appearances. And you’re gorgeous. (She’s also a total softie, looking out for creatures great and small. Watch the video…you’ll see.)
Thanks, sister-friend, as always, for putting up with me.
As you, my dear readers, will remember, I mentioned we didn’t have much time for touring about on my most recent – and brief – visit to San Francisco. Nearly all of this footage was therefore shot in about half a day. It’s brief, and chipper, and but a glimpse into the beauty this city offers.
One of these days I’ll go back and give it a better video. But for now, there’s this.
Love and foggy afternoons to you, –a.e.
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