I held three remotes in my hand. Each of them with an on/off button. None of them doing anything of the sort.
In an age when we are swamped with electronic devices to aid and abet almost every activity, you would think that a 21st century gal such as myself would be able to figure out how to turn on a television.
I’m sorry to report, I tried…tried…made the fancy new TV revert to a more primitive form (a.k.a. static snow storm screen)…and then gave up before I made it even more angry.
If our world is ever taken over by robots a la The Terminator I’m going to be one of the first to go.
Which leads us to the second installment of the recentlys.
We are heading out of town in T-minus six hours. I return Tuesday with more tales of technological failing!
Happy weekending, all!